Kalakshetra Address and Contact Number

Kalakshetra Contact Phone Number is : +91-044 2452 0836

and Address is Kalakshetra Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041 India
The Kalakshetra is a culture academy which is dedicated to the protection of traditional values in Indian Art. The academy is especially for the Bharatanatyam dnace and Gandharvaveda music. The Kalakshetra academy was founded in January 1936 by Rukmini Devi Arundale. The Kalakshetra Institute achieved National and interNational Credit for its unique style and protection of cultural dance. The Campus of the Kalakshetra was moved to Besant Nagar, Chennai, India in 1962. The Campus is situated on 99 acres land. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kalakshetra is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kalakshetra

The address of Kalakshetra is Kalakshetra Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041 India.

Contact Number of Kalakshetra

The contact number of Kalakshetra is +91-044 2452 0836.

Email Address of Kalakshetra

The email address of Kalakshetra is .

Website of Kalakshetra

The Website of Kalakshetra is www.kalakshetra.net.

Kalakshetra Address Contact Number
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