Kaas Plateau Address and Contact Number

Kaas Plateau Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Satara, Pune, Maharashtra, India
The Kaas Plateau or the Valley of Flowers is located in Satara, Maharashtra, India. The entire region is carpeted with flowers during the months of August and September after the rains and the flowers lasts for two to three weeks. It is also known as Kaas Pathar in Marathi Language and the Kaas Plateau is spread over 1,000 hectare and it is a Famous picnic spot among the locals and tourists. It is one of the hotspots of biodiversity due to its ecological features and it has received the tag of National Heritage Site also. The plateau has more than 850 species of flowers and orchids and no other vegetation thrives in the region. The plateau was formed by the volcanic activities and the flora and fauna is unique and endemic. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kaas Plateau is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kaas Plateau

The address of Kaas Plateau is Satara, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Kaas Plateau

The contact number of Kaas Plateau is NA.

Email Address of Kaas Plateau

The email address of Kaas Plateau is .

Website of Kaas Plateau

The Website of Kaas Plateau is .

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Kaas Plateau Address Contact Number
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