Jejomar Binay Address and Contact Number

Jejomar Binay Contact Phone Number is : +63-2-8326791-96, +63-2-8333311

and Address is Coconut Palace, F. Maria Guerrero Street, CCP Complex, Pasay City 1300, Philippines
Jejomar Binay is a politician of the Philippines that is also known as Jojo Binay. He works as the VICE President of Republic of the Philippines. He also appointed as the Mayor of Makati City, chairman of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, VICE-Presidential of Campaign and chairman of Housing Urban Development Coordinating Council. Jejomar Binay was born on November 11, 1942 in Paco, Manila. In 1986, he started his political journey. The address and contact number of Jejomar Binay is also used for Jejomar Binay platform, Jejomar Binay darth vader, Jejomar Binay sr, talambuhay ni Jejomar Binay, Jejomar Binay net worth, Jejomar Binay house and Jejomar Binay profile. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jejomar Binay is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jejomar Binay

The address of Jejomar Binay is Coconut Palace, F. Maria Guerrero Street, CCP Complex, Pasay City 1300, Philippines.

Contact Number of Jejomar Binay

The contact number of Jejomar Binay is +63-2-8326791-96, +63-2-8333311.

Email Address of Jejomar Binay

The email address of Jejomar Binay is,

Website of Jejomar Binay

The Website of Jejomar Binay is

Contact Person of Jejomar Binay

The contact person of Jejomar Binay is Jejomar Binay.

Jejomar Binay Source of Knowledge
Jejomar Binay Address Contact Number
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Ms. antonina U. BalisnomoApr 14, 2016
I am Ms. Antonina Balisnomo, wife of Sgt. Rosalito Balisnomo Jr, a retired policeman. Ako po ay President ng Mega Block 38 Movement of Mandaluyong, a (NGO) association with SEC. REG. # CN200715497. Dito sa Mandaluyong City. Ako po ay may (202) na members together with its officers is very much welling to support your programs and candidacy for the coming election. It was your flat forms and agenda that awakened our hearts and minds that we will be need a man like you for reforms and progress in our government. At your most convenient time, we are very much willing to sit down and discuss with you some important matters.
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