Jasmine Sandlas Address and Contact Number

Jasmine Sandlas Contact Phone Number is : +91-9988674008

and Address is 9363 Mammath Peak Circle, Stockton, CA 95212
Jasmine Kaur Sandlas was born on September 4, 1985 in American.Jasmine is playback singer, television personality, performer, songwriter who mainly sings Punjabi songs.Jasmine Sandlas was born in Jalandhar, India and raised in Stockton, California always aspired to pursue a career in singing. Her first song was "Muskan" in 2008, became a hit. In 2012, she did an album 'Gulabi' with rapper Bohemia. After the launch of "Gulabi" album, she started receiving recognition from the mainstream Punjabi music industry. In 2014, she began her Bollywood playback singing career with the song "Yaar Na Miley" for the film Kick. Sandlas' singing technique gained widespread praise and won several awards, including "Most Popular Song of the Year 2016 - PTC Punjabi Film Awards" and "Screen Award for Best Female Playback." Because of her unique singing style and way of life, she is sometimes referred to by her followers as the Queen of the Punjabi. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jasmine Sandlas is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jasmine Sandlas

The address of Jasmine Sandlas is 9363 Mammath Peak Circle, Stockton, CA 95212.

Contact Number of Jasmine Sandlas

The contact number of Jasmine Sandlas is +91-9988674008.

Email Address of Jasmine Sandlas

The email address of Jasmine Sandlas is Team@jasminesandlas.com..

Website of Jasmine Sandlas

The Website of Jasmine Sandlas is Not known.

Contact Person of Jasmine Sandlas

The contact person of Jasmine Sandlas is Jasmine Sandlas.

Jasmine Sandlas Source of Knowledge

Not known
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