Janssen Pharmaceutica Address and Contact Number

Janssen Pharmaceutica Contact Phone Number is : +32 14 60 21 11, Fax: +32 14 60 28 41

and Address is Turnhoutseweg 30 2340 Beerse Belgium
The Janssen Pharmaceutica is a pharmaceutical Company subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson founded in 1953 by Paul Janssen and Headquartered in Beerse, Belgium. The major purpose behind its establishment is to conduct pharmacological Research and ongoing growth of better drugs to improve the quality of life. In 1961, the American corporation Johnson & Johnson purchased Janssen Pharmaceutica and now the Janssen Pharmaceutica conducts Research and development activities related to a variety of human medical conditions such as psychological sickness, anaesthesia and analgesia, neurological disorders, cancer, allergies, fungal infection and gastrointestinal disorders. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Janssen Pharmaceutica is mentioned in below section.

Address of Janssen Pharmaceutica

The address of Janssen Pharmaceutica is Turnhoutseweg 30 2340 Beerse Belgium.

Contact Number of Janssen Pharmaceutica

The contact number of Janssen Pharmaceutica is +32 14 60 21 11, Fax: +32 14 60 28 41.

Email Address of Janssen Pharmaceutica

The email address of Janssen Pharmaceutica is info@janbe.jnj.com.

Website of Janssen Pharmaceutica

The Website of Janssen Pharmaceutica is www.janssenpharmaceuticalsinc.com.

Janssen Pharmaceutica Address Contact Number
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