Ilinca Bacila Address and Contact Number
Ilinca Bacila Contact Phone Number is : +40 0744285304
and Address is 20 Sambata, ESC 2017Bucharest apartment, RomaniaIlinca Bacila,also known as simply Ilinca, is a Romanian singer and yodeler. She is well known for her unique yodel. Eighteen-year old Ilinca Bacila broke onto the Romanian music scene when her blind audition on The Voice of Romania 2014 went viral. She participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, representing Romania, along with Alex Florea. Ilinca and Alex are charismatic, they have amazing chemistry, and they are competent singers. T She is well known for her unique yodel. She participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, representing Romania, along with Alex Florea. Last year, she yodeled it to seventh place at the Eurovision Grand Final in Kyiv. Her performance at Eurovision not only showcased her vocal prowess but also highlighted her as a musician capable of blending traditional yodeling . Iinca is now 21 years old singing traditional yodel from Switzerland and concerts every week in various cities in Romania. She currently living in Bucharest. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ilinca Bacila is mentioned in below section.
Address of Ilinca Bacila
The address of Ilinca Bacila is 20 Sambata, ESC 2017Bucharest apartment, Romania.Contact Number of Ilinca Bacila
The contact number of Ilinca Bacila is +40 0744285304.Email Address of Ilinca Bacila
The email address of Ilinca Bacila is of Ilinca Bacila
The Website of Ilinca Bacila is Person of Ilinca Bacila
The contact person of Ilinca Bacila is Ilinca Bacila.Email this information
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