Ibrahim Khalil Address and Contact Number

Ibrahim Khalil Contact Phone Number is : +49 17635390358

and Address is Colditzstrake 27 street in Tempelhof. Ibrahim al-Khalil Moschee, Tempelhof
Ibrahim Khalil is an outstanding artist of the Yazidish people. He was born on May 5,2000. Started singing from 8 years old, in a family of musicians. At the age of 11 he attended music school in Al Hasaka, Syria. Ibrahim Khalil released the first music video in 2012 entitled "Beje beje". Later the singer released the songs "Heyo" and "Bivinm". Ibrahim Khalil is also a songwriter. He wrote songs for Yezidi singers Jangir Broyan and Arthur Safoyan. His style of music is varied, including pop ballads as well as traditional Kurdish folk music. Ibrahim Khalil, an Arabic pop musician residing in Germany, has gained popularity with his most recent album, "Nawi Naat," which was released in 2023. Ibrahim Khalil is also a songwriter. He wrote songs for Yezidi singers Jangir Broyan and Arthur Safoyan. His style of music is varied, including pop ballads as well as traditional Kurdish folk music. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ibrahim Khalil is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ibrahim Khalil

The address of Ibrahim Khalil is Colditzstrake 27 street in Tempelhof. Ibrahim al-Khalil Moschee, Tempelhof.

Contact Number of Ibrahim Khalil

The contact number of Ibrahim Khalil is +49 17635390358.

Email Address of Ibrahim Khalil

The email address of Ibrahim Khalil is abrahamomail@yahoo.com.

Website of Ibrahim Khalil

The Website of Ibrahim Khalil is ibrahim-khalil.com.

Contact Person of Ibrahim Khalil

The contact person of Ibrahim Khalil is Ibrahim Khalil.

Ibrahim Khalil Source of Knowledge

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