Iadt Address and Contact Number

Iadt Contact Phone Number is : +1 407-278-7988

and Address is 6039 S Rio Grande Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32809, United States
The InterNational Academy of Design and Technology is a private Institute of Design and Technology located in Orlando, Florida, USA. It was founded in 2000. The president of the Institute is Mark Page. The Institute offers a variety of academic Programs, including- Interior Design Program, Fashion Design & Merchandising Program, Game Design & Development Program, Multimedia Design Program, Marketing & Advertising Program, Computer Graphics Program and many more. The Institute provides excellent Educational facilities to the Students such as eight computer labs, five theory labs, seven theory labs, four drafting labs, one draping lab and one sewing lab, library etc. The address and contact number of Iadt is also used for Iadt guidelines, Iadt trauma guidelines, Iadt National guard, Iadt ball, Iadt portfolio deadline and Iadt School. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Iadt is mentioned in below section.

Address of Iadt

The address of Iadt is 6039 S Rio Grande Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32809, United States.

Contact Number of Iadt

The contact number of Iadt is +1 407-278-7988.

Email Address of Iadt

The email address of Iadt is mpage@academy.edu.

Website of Iadt

The Website of Iadt is www.iadt.edu.

Iadt Source of Knowledge

Iadt Address Contact Number
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