Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Address and Contact Number

Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Contact Phone Number is : +60 4-740 6233

and Address is Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Jalan Langgar, 05460 Alor Setar, Malaysia
Founded on 29 September 2007, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah offers various treatment like gastroentrologi, nephrology, infectious diseases and general surgery, orthopedics, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, anesthesiology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, forensics, anatomical pathology microbiology hematology, Radiology, transfusion Medicine etc. Dr. Hjh. Juita binti Ghazalie is the current director of the Hospital.
The Hospital is located in Jalan Langgar, 05460 Alor Setar, Malaysia. The address and contact number of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah is also used for Hospital sultanah bahiyah official Website and Hospital Sultanah bahiyah information. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah is mentioned in below section.

Address of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah

The address of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah is Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Jalan Langgar, 05460 Alor Setar, Malaysia.

Contact Number of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah

The contact number of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah is +60 4-740 6233.

Email Address of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah

The email address of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah is

Website of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah

The Website of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah is

Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Source of Knowledge
Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Address Contact Number
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Ms. rabiyathulFeb 03, 2014
Such a good service and nice staff and doctors.
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