Hermann Maier Address and Contact Number

Hermann Maier Contact Phone Number is : +43 676 75 83 980

and Address is Griessenkarweg 259, Griessenkar, Flachau, Salzburg, Austria
Hermann Maier is an Austrian former World Cup champion alpine ski racer and Olympic gold medalist. Nicknamed the "Herminator", Maier ranks among the greatest alpine ski racers in history, with four overall World Cup titles, two Olympic gold medals, and three World Championship titles. Hermann Maier is a highly popular and well-respected alpine skier who is considered one of the most successful athletes of all time. Maier won three World Championship titles, including the downhill and super-G in 1999. Maier's ability to recover from a near-fatal motorcycle accident in 2001 and return to competitive skiing in 2003 is considered one of the most astonishing comebacks in sports history. Maier set the men's points record in 2000 with 2,000 points, which still stands today. Maier is known as "The Herminator" because he seemed invincible. Maier has tried telemark skiing, saying that it requires perfect balance. He says that if you have a good alpine skiing foundation, then telemark skiing is easy The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Hermann Maier is mentioned in below section.

Address of Hermann Maier

The address of Hermann Maier is Griessenkarweg 259, Griessenkar, Flachau, Salzburg, Austria.

Contact Number of Hermann Maier

The contact number of Hermann Maier is +43 676 75 83 980.

Email Address of Hermann Maier

The email address of Hermann Maier is hermann.maier@aau.at.

Website of Hermann Maier

The Website of Hermann Maier is www.hm1.com.

Contact Person of Hermann Maier

The contact person of Hermann Maier is Hermann Maier.

Hermann Maier Source of Knowledge

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