Heinz Rudolf Kunze Address and Contact Number

Heinz Rudolf Kunze Contact Phone Number is : +49 7082-491330

and Address is Ekhofplatz 3 99867 Gotha, Germany.
Heinz Rudolf Erich Arthur Kunze is a German writer and rock singer. His greatest hit was Dein ist mein ganzes Herz in 1985.He has acted in the ARD television series In aller Freundschaft and Großstadtrevier, and in the films Timm Thaler oder das verkaufte Lachen and Tatort: Das ist unser Haus. Kunze has released 27 albums since 1981. He has also written books and translated musicals into German. In 2007, Kunze represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Die Welt ist Pop" (The World Is Pop), finishing in third place. He has participated in television shows such as Das perfekte Promi-Dinner and Das große Einseifen, and was a juror for the Gospel-Award in 2005 and 2006. He was also the patron of the Berliner project “Der Straßenchor” in 2009. Heinz Rudolf Kunze is a German singer, songwriter, composer, and lyricist who is best known for his 1985 hit song "Dein ist mein ganzes Herz" The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Heinz Rudolf Kunze is mentioned in below section.

Address of Heinz Rudolf Kunze

The address of Heinz Rudolf Kunze is Ekhofplatz 3 99867 Gotha, Germany..

Contact Number of Heinz Rudolf Kunze

The contact number of Heinz Rudolf Kunze is +49 7082-491330.

Email Address of Heinz Rudolf Kunze

The email address of Heinz Rudolf Kunze is info@mawi-concert.de.

Website of Heinz Rudolf Kunze

The Website of Heinz Rudolf Kunze is www.heinzrudolfkunze.de.

Contact Person of Heinz Rudolf Kunze

The contact person of Heinz Rudolf Kunze is Heinz Rudolf Kunze.

Heinz Rudolf Kunze Source of Knowledge

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