Hani Mitwasi Address and Contact Number

Hani Mitwasi Contact Phone Number is : +44 7895848130

and Address is 41 Great Portland Street, London, United Kingdom, W1W 7LA
Hani Mitwasi is a Jordanian singer-musician who is famous for singing in the ‘Spanish-Levant' music genre. After several years of following his passion of the Spanish and Flamenco music, he got his BA in music science at the 'Jordan Academy of Music in 2005, in addition to his 5 years of studying the flamenco guitar. Hani Mitwasi is an artist who, after a study of his own musical roots and of Spanish music, has managed to create his own and current style that establishes a language halfway between both musical worlds. Hani Mitwasi is an internationally recognized artist and undoubtedly a music star in his native Jordan. Hani Mitwasi is celebrated for his unique ability to blend Spanish musical elements with traditional Levantine sounds. Some of his most popular songs include "Ya Mohra," "Ahwaly Matsorresh," and "Ya Tair Ya Tayer," which have garnered substantial acclaim across the Arab world. Hani Mitwasi is a Jordanian singer and musician who continues to perform and create music. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Hani Mitwasi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Hani Mitwasi

The address of Hani Mitwasi is 41 Great Portland Street, London, United Kingdom, W1W 7LA.

Contact Number of Hani Mitwasi

The contact number of Hani Mitwasi is +44 7895848130.

Email Address of Hani Mitwasi

The email address of Hani Mitwasi is Management@hanimitwasi.com.

Website of Hani Mitwasi

The Website of Hani Mitwasi is www.wikiwand.com.

Contact Person of Hani Mitwasi

The contact person of Hani Mitwasi is Hani Mitwasi.

Hani Mitwasi Source of Knowledge

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