Haifa Beseisso Address and Contact Number

Haifa Beseisso Contact Phone Number is : +972-4-8518718

and Address is 29911 S Legends Village Cir in Spring, TX.
Haifa Beseisso is a Palestinian-American YouTuber, blogger, and rapper who regularly posts about her travel experiences and speaks about topics of cultural significance in the Arab world. Beseisso was recognized as the 'Best in Travel Influencer' at Cosmopolitan Middle East's 2019 Influencer Awards. She was also selected as a YouTube Creator for Change Ambassador, participating in a program with 50 other creators from around the world. Haifa began her journey documenting the eclectic personalities she meets on her travels across the globe. Haifa Beseisso's travel vlogs and music videos are internet hits and attracted worldwide recognition for raising awareness against stereotypes. Her new song, entitled, “The 3aib Song,” is sparking conversations about “shame” and gender bias within the Arab culture. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Haifa Beseisso is mentioned in below section.

Address of Haifa Beseisso

The address of Haifa Beseisso is 29911 S Legends Village Cir in Spring, TX..

Contact Number of Haifa Beseisso

The contact number of Haifa Beseisso is +972-4-8518718.

Email Address of Haifa Beseisso

The email address of Haifa Beseisso is flywithhaifa@gmail.com.

Website of Haifa Beseisso

The Website of Haifa Beseisso is Not Known.

Contact Person of Haifa Beseisso

The contact person of Haifa Beseisso is Haifa Beseisso.

Haifa Beseisso Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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