Grameen Bank Address and Contact Number

Grameen Bank Contact Phone Number is : (880-2) 8011138, Fax : (880-2) 8013559

and Address is Grameen Bank Bhaban, Mirpur - 2, Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh
Grameen Bank is a Bangladeshi bank founded in the year 1983. The bank is a large bank having 2,565 branches spread throughout the Country. The bank got its name from the word gram which means "rural" or "village" in Bengali language. The bank is a micro finance Company that also won the Nobel Peace Prize for its techniques in the microfinance organization and community development bank field. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of the bank. The bank sponsors many sporting events in the Country. Mohammad Shahjahan is the current managing director and chief executive offICEr of the bank. The address and contact number of Grameen Bank is also used for Grameen bank jobs, Grameen bank internship, Grameen bank model and Grameen bank career. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Grameen Bank is mentioned in below section.

Address of Grameen Bank

The address of Grameen Bank is Grameen Bank Bhaban, Mirpur - 2, Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh.

Contact Number of Grameen Bank

The contact number of Grameen Bank is (880-2) 8011138, Fax : (880-2) 8013559.

Email Address of Grameen Bank

The email address of Grameen Bank is

Website of Grameen Bank

The Website of Grameen Bank is

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Grameen Bank Address Contact Number
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