Governor of Pennsylvania Address and Contact Number

Governor of Pennsylvania Contact Phone Number is : +1 717/787-2500, Fax: 717/772-8284

and Address is Room 225, Main Capitol Building Harrisburg, PA 17120, United States
Governor of Pennsylvania is the head of the State of Pennsylvania and commander-in-chief of the State's military forces. The Governor is the highest post in a State in the United States. The responsibility of the governor of a State in US is to enforce State Laws and has the power to approve veto bills passed by the Pennsylvania Legislature. The governor has several powers like to grant pardons except the Cases of impeachment. The first governor of Pennsylvania was Thomas Mifflin who was appointed on December 21, 1790. The address and contact number of Governor of Pennsylvania is also used for Governor of Pennsylvania colony, Governor of Pennsylvania race, Governor of Pennsylvania candidates, Governor of Pennsylvania salary and message of the Governor of Pennsylvania. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Governor of Pennsylvania is mentioned in below section.

Address of Governor of Pennsylvania

The address of Governor of Pennsylvania is Room 225, Main Capitol Building Harrisburg, PA 17120, United States.

Contact Number of Governor of Pennsylvania

The contact number of Governor of Pennsylvania is +1 717/787-2500, Fax: 717/772-8284.

Email Address of Governor of Pennsylvania

The email address of Governor of Pennsylvania is .

Website of Governor of Pennsylvania

The Website of Governor of Pennsylvania is

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Governor of Pennsylvania Address Contact Number
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