Gndu Address and Contact Number

Gndu Contact Phone Number is : +91 0183-225-5711

and Address is NH 1, Amritsar, Punjab, 143001, India
GNDU Stands for Guru Nanak Dev University situated in Amritsar. It was founded on November 24,1969. The University is dedicated to Guru Nanak Dev ji for his 500th birth anniversary. The University Campus spread in 500 acres (2 kmĀ²). GNDU is affiliated by Union Grant Commission. Professor Ajaib Singh Brar is the current VICE Chancellor of GNDU. It offers several courses Doctor of Medicine M.D., M. Phil in Environmental Education, Botany, English, Science, Philosophy, Religious Study etc, Master Level Courses in M.Tech, M.Arch, M.SC, MBA, Self Financing Courses, Bachelor Level Courses in B.Tech, B.SC., BA, BPT, B. Pharmacy, B.Lib, LLB etc. It has various academic departments such as Applied Science, arts and Social Science, Economic & Business Studies, Engineering & Technology, Humanities & Religious Studies, Law Study, Physical Education, Physical Planning & Architecture, Sports Medicine & Physiotherapy, Visual arts & Performing arts etc. The address and contact number of Gndu is also used for Gndu Results, Gndu admissions, Gndu date sheet, Gndu jobs and Gndu syllabus. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gndu is mentioned in below section.

Address of Gndu

The address of Gndu is NH 1, Amritsar, Punjab, 143001, India.

Contact Number of Gndu

The contact number of Gndu is +91 0183-225-5711.

Email Address of Gndu

The email address of Gndu is

Website of Gndu

The Website of Gndu is

Gndu Source of Knowledge
Gndu Address Contact Number
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