Gcic Address and Contact Number
Gcic Contact Phone Number is : 0091-80-5469735
and Address is PB No 517, Frazer Town, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560 005Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) is an organization of the people who have dying about the Impatience offered by the Indian religious people. The organization was started for the freedom of believe the agencies and persons accountable at the regional and Countrywide levels for enhancing and applying of the constitutional guarantees. The firm is a registered NGO and has head offICE located in Bangalore, India and its worldwide OffICEs is located in DeLaware, USA. The organization is search to voICE the issues and struggled being faced by citizens of the Country in other countries. The address and contact number of Gcic is also used for Gcic Investment, Gcic Security and Integrity training and Gcic Courses.
Fax No: 0091-80-5476210 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gcic is mentioned in below section.
Address of Gcic
The address of Gcic is PB No 517, Frazer Town, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560 005.Contact Number of Gcic
The contact number of Gcic is 0091-80-5469735.Email Address of Gcic
The email address of Gcic is sajankgeorge@rediffmail.com.Website of Gcic
The Website of Gcic is www.gcic.us.Email this information
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