Furama Riverfront Address and Contact Number

Furama Riverfront Contact Phone Number is : 65-6739-6470

and Address is 405 Havelock Road, Singapore
FHIM Stands for Furama Hotels InterNational Management, situated in Singapore. It offers well-appointed bedrooms with a wide range of modern amenities like Wedding Rooms, Seminar Rooms, Ball rooms, Function Rooms, Floor plan, Waterfall Lounge, Promotion Activities, Executive Lounge, Superior Rooms, Executive Rooms, Deluxe Rooms, Executive Suites. FHIM also offers to Hotel booking via Hotel Website on lowest Internet rate and without booking fee. The address and contact number of Furama Riverfront is also used for Furama riverfront Hotel buffet
Furama riverfront buffet, Furama city centre, Furama riverfront restaurant and Furama riverfront wedding package. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Furama Riverfront is mentioned in below section.

Address of Furama Riverfront

The address of Furama Riverfront is 405 Havelock Road, Singapore.

Contact Number of Furama Riverfront

The contact number of Furama Riverfront is 65-6739-6470.

Email Address of Furama Riverfront

The email address of Furama Riverfront is corporate@furama.com.

Website of Furama Riverfront

The Website of Furama Riverfront is www.furama.com.

Furama Riverfront Source of Knowledge

Furama Riverfront Address Contact Number
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