Francesco Gabbani Address and Contact Number

Francesco Gabbani Contact Phone Number is : +39 91 911 30 87

and Address is Via Pessina 12, CH-6900 Lugano, Carrara, Italy
Francesco Gabbani is an Italian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He rose to fame after winning the newcomers' section of the Sanremo Music Festival 2016 with the song "Amen". In 2017 he won the prestigious Sanremo Music Festival with his song “Occidentali's Karma”. He also won the MTV Europe Music Award for Best Italian Act that same year. He has been nominated for several other awards including two Latin Grammy Awards for Best New Artist in 2018 and 2019. The most popular song by Francesco Gabbani is “Occidentali's Karma” with a total of 64.7K page views. He participated at the Sanremo Music Festival 2020 with the song "Viceversa", where he placed second. The single reached number two on the Italian Singles Chart and was certified platinum by the Federation of the Italian Music Industry. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Francesco Gabbani is mentioned in below section.

Address of Francesco Gabbani

The address of Francesco Gabbani is Via Pessina 12, CH-6900 Lugano, Carrara, Italy.

Contact Number of Francesco Gabbani

The contact number of Francesco Gabbani is +39 91 911 30 87.

Email Address of Francesco Gabbani

The email address of Francesco Gabbani is

Website of Francesco Gabbani

The Website of Francesco Gabbani is

Contact Person of Francesco Gabbani

The contact person of Francesco Gabbani is Francesco Gabbani.

Francesco Gabbani Source of Knowledge
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