Florence Schelling Address and Contact Number

Florence Schelling Contact Phone Number is : +41 44 829 2250

and Address is Flughofstrasse 39, CH-8152 Glattbrugg, 8152 Opfikon, Switzerland
Florence Isabelle Schelling is a Swiss former professional ice hockey goaltender. She briefly served as general manager of SC Bern from 2020 to 2021. Florence is an accomplished Swiss ice hockey athlete with a 25-year long career that includes four editions of the Olympic Games and an Olympic bronze medal. Florence is passionate about athlete rights and is a strong advocate for safe and clean sport. She was the first woman to be named GM of a professional men's team in the world. Schelling has played in some of the best ice hockey leagues in the world, from North America – playing for clubs in Boston and Montreal – to Sweden. She holds a masters in economics, is fluent in English, French, German and Italian, and is well-known for her leadership qualities throughout the hockey world. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Florence Schelling is mentioned in below section.

Address of Florence Schelling

The address of Florence Schelling is Flughofstrasse 39, CH-8152 Glattbrugg, 8152 Opfikon, Switzerland.

Contact Number of Florence Schelling

The contact number of Florence Schelling is +41 44 829 2250.

Email Address of Florence Schelling

The email address of Florence Schelling is schelling@saip.ch.

Website of Florence Schelling

The Website of Florence Schelling is www.ita.sport.

Contact Person of Florence Schelling

The contact person of Florence Schelling is Florence Schelling.

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