Fcra Address and Contact Number

Fcra Contact Phone Number is : +11-23092011, 23092161

and Address is North Block, Central Secretariat New Delhi-110001, India
FCRA, is a Foreign Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs. It is provides solutions in the area of visa, citizenship, immigration, overseas citizenship of India, Hospitality and acceptance of Foreign contribution. The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, was notified September 26th, 2010 by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The address and contact number of Fcra is also used for fcra address change, Fcra address discrepancy, Fcra forms, Fcra online, Fcra registration and Fcra address discrepancy rule. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fcra is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fcra

The address of Fcra is North Block, Central Secretariat New Delhi-110001, India.

Contact Number of Fcra

The contact number of Fcra is +11-23092011, 23092161.

Email Address of Fcra

The email address of Fcra is websitemhaweb@nic.in.

Website of Fcra

The Website of Fcra is www.mha.nic.in.

Fcra Source of Knowledge

Fcra Address Contact Number
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