Farmer School of Business Address and Contact Number

Farmer School of Business Contact Phone Number is : +1 (513) 529-6200

and Address is Oxford, Ohio, United States
The Farmer School of Business (FSB) is the Business School situated in Oxford, Ohio, United States. The School is a member of the Miami University. It is counted among one of the best undergraduate Business Educations in the world. The School was opened in the year 1932. The dean of the Farmer School of Business is Roger L Jenkins. The School has more than 2,450 Students and about 205 academic staff. It is affiliated to The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The Campus of the School covers an area of 2,000 acres. The Farmer School of Business provides various undergraduate courses. The address and contact number of Farmer School of Business is also used for Farmer School of Business ranking,Farmer School of Business organizations, Farmer School of Business floor plan, Farmer School of Business admission, Farmer School of Business force add and Farmer School of Business building.

Fax No: (513) 529-474. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Farmer School of Business is mentioned in below section.

Address of Farmer School of Business

The address of Farmer School of Business is Oxford, Ohio, United States.

Contact Number of Farmer School of Business

The contact number of Farmer School of Business is +1 (513) 529-6200.

Email Address of Farmer School of Business

The email address of Farmer School of Business is

Website of Farmer School of Business

The Website of Farmer School of Business is

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Farmer School of Business Address Contact Number
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