Farid Zoland Address and Contact Number

Farid Zoland Contact Phone Number is : +93 11982 75462

and Address is 55, East Bnaha, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Farid Zoland is an Afghan songwriter and composer. After receiving preliminary education in music from his father in Kabul, Zaland continued a formal education in music at the University of Tehran.[citation needed] He studied music score, theory, and composition at the University of Southern California from 1980 to 1982. Throughout his career he has collaborated with many musicians from other countries, most notably from Iran. Zoland went on to compose and produce many of the most iconic Iranian songs for major artists like Dariush, Ebi, Googoosh, Hayedeh, Leila Forouhar, and Moein. He has also collaborated with American musicians, namely Lloyd Miller. He has also had minor acting roles. He comes from a family of musicians with father Jalil Zaland and siblings Shahla Zaland and Wahid Zaland The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Farid Zoland is mentioned in below section.

Address of Farid Zoland

The address of Farid Zoland is 55, East Bnaha, Kabul, Afghanistan..

Contact Number of Farid Zoland

The contact number of Farid Zoland is +93 11982 75462.

Email Address of Farid Zoland

The email address of Farid Zoland is faridzolandmusic@gmail.com.

Website of Farid Zoland

The Website of Farid Zoland is www.faridzolandmusic.com.

Contact Person of Farid Zoland

The contact person of Farid Zoland is Farid Zoland.

Farid Zoland Source of Knowledge

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