Fadi Karat Address and Contact Number

Fadi Karat Contact Phone Number is : +374 514-562-9936

and Address is 14-56, Penugonda Town, Nyerevan, Armenia
is a Syrian Syriac singer born in 1980 in the city of Qamishli, Located in Al-Hasakah Governorate, he stepped like his late father, Jean Karat, in art and sings in the Maradillah Arabic, Syriac, Assyrian, and Armenian dialect. He is the best selling recording Arabic language singers, he has sold over 60 million records worldwide, and he became the highest selling artist in . His biggest breakthrough of his career came with Reddi, it is a Arabic album released on 01 Jan 2015. This album is composed by Fadi Karat. Reddi Album has 1 song sung by Fadi Karat. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fadi Karat is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fadi Karat

The address of Fadi Karat is 14-56, Penugonda Town, Nyerevan, Armenia.

Contact Number of Fadi Karat

The contact number of Fadi Karat is +374 514-562-9936.

Email Address of Fadi Karat

The email address of Fadi Karat is support@musicgateway.com.

Website of Fadi Karat

The Website of Fadi Karat is www.musicgateway.com.

Contact Person of Fadi Karat

The contact person of Fadi Karat is Fadi Karat.

Fadi Karat Source of Knowledge

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