Fabian Hambuchen Address and Contact Number

Fabian Hambuchen Contact Phone Number is : +49 69 163 00060

and Address is Kuppelsaal Hanns-Braun-Straße, 14053 Berlin, Germany
Fabian Hambuchen is a retired German gymnast who was an Olympic champion on horizontal bar in Rio 2016, World champion in Stuttgart 2007 on the same apparatus, as well as six times European champion on various other occasions and on different apparatus, including high bar, his most successful discipline. He faced many obstacles, including a foot injury and a torn Achilles tendon in 2011. He also missed the first half of the 2016 Summer Olympics due to a shoulder injury. He won three Olympic medals, one of each color, at separate Olympics. He won a silver medal in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, and a gold medal in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. He also won gold on the high bar at the 2015 European Games in Baku. He is considered one of the sport's greatest ambassadors. In July 2022, he married fitness trainer Viktoria Diesterbeck, whom he met in 2020. He currently lives in Wetzlar. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fabian Hambuchen is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fabian Hambuchen

The address of Fabian Hambuchen is Kuppelsaal Hanns-Braun-Straße, 14053 Berlin, Germany.

Contact Number of Fabian Hambuchen

The contact number of Fabian Hambuchen is +49 69 163 00060.

Email Address of Fabian Hambuchen

The email address of Fabian Hambuchen is info@fabianhambuchen.de.

Website of Fabian Hambuchen

The Website of Fabian Hambuchen is www.fabianhambuchen.de.

Contact Person of Fabian Hambuchen

The contact person of Fabian Hambuchen is Fabian Hambuchen.

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