Exploratorium Address and Contact Number

Exploratorium Contact Phone Number is : 415-563-7337

and Address is 15/17 Pier San Francisco, California 94111, United States
The Exploratorium is a Museum situated in San Francisco, California, United States. The Museum was founded in 1969 by Frank Oppenheimer. Dennis Bartels is currently director of the Exploratorium. More than 570,000 visitors has visited in every year. The Exploratorium exhibits that blend science, art, and hands-on experimentation. It encourages the professional development of teachers, science Education reform and the promotion of Museums. The address and contact number of Exploratorium is also used for parking near Exploratorium, Exploratorium bus, Exploratorium map and palace of fine arts admission. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Exploratorium is mentioned in below section.

Address of Exploratorium

The address of Exploratorium is 15/17 Pier San Francisco, California 94111, United States.

Contact Number of Exploratorium

The contact number of Exploratorium is 415-563-7337.

Email Address of Exploratorium

The email address of Exploratorium is .

Website of Exploratorium

The Website of Exploratorium is www.exploratorium.edu.

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Exploratorium Address Contact Number
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