Eva Simons Address and Contact Number

Eva Simons Contact Phone Number is : +1 (212) 645-0555

and Address is 1201 Roxbury Dr #310 Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA.
Eva Maria Simons is a Dutch singer-songwriter and music video director from Amsterdam. She is best known for her song "Policeman" and collaborations with artists such as Afrojack; in 2012, Simons broke through internationally after being featured on the will.i.am single "This Is Love". She is best known for her song "Policeman" and collaborations with artists such as Afrojack; in 2012, Simons broke through internationally after being featured on the will.i.am single "This Is Love". During her solo career she has released 12 singles, including "Bludfire" which appeared in November 2015. Simons has a powerful voice that she uses to convey her emotions in her songs. Simons has established her own unique style in the Dutch music scene. Simons tries to make sure her songs are honest and tell stories that people can relate to. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Eva Simons is mentioned in below section.

Address of Eva Simons

The address of Eva Simons is 1201 Roxbury Dr #310 Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA..

Contact Number of Eva Simons

The contact number of Eva Simons is +1 (212) 645-0555.

Email Address of Eva Simons

The email address of Eva Simons is bookings@evasimons.com.

Website of Eva Simons

The Website of Eva Simons is www.evasimons.com.

Contact Person of Eva Simons

The contact person of Eva Simons is Danielle Pakes.

Eva Simons Source of Knowledge

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