Eastenders Albert Square Address and Contact Number

Eastenders Albert Square Contact Phone Number is : 020 3327 7400

and Address is Elstree Centre, Near to Clarendon Road, Borehamwood, Herts, England
The Albert Square is the fictional location of the BBC soap opera EastEnders. It was started in 1985 and its design was based on the real life Fassett Square in Hackney, and was given the name Albert Square after the real life history of Prince Albert and the then deprived East End. It is one of the popular TV soap operas. It is conceived by producer Julia Smith and script editor Tony Holland and produced by the BBC. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Eastenders Albert Square is mentioned in below section.

Address of Eastenders Albert Square

The address of Eastenders Albert Square is Elstree Centre, Near to Clarendon Road, Borehamwood, Herts, England.

Contact Number of Eastenders Albert Square

The contact number of Eastenders Albert Square is 020 3327 7400.

Email Address of Eastenders Albert Square

The email address of Eastenders Albert Square is .

Website of Eastenders Albert Square

The Website of Eastenders Albert Square is .

Eastenders Albert Square Address Contact Number
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