DrSiddharthaMukherjee Address and Contact Number

DrSiddharthaMukherjee Contact Phone Number is : +91-8172810346

and Address is 2/9 Talpukur Road, Sarsuna, Kolkata
Siddhartha is a physician, biologist, and author. Mukherjee writes for The New Yorker and is a columnist in The New York Times. He is described as part of a select group of doctor-writers who have transformed the public discourse on human health. He has also allowed a generation of readers a rare and intimate glimpse into the life of science and medicine. He is best known for his 2010 book, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, which won notable literary prizes. His research concerns the physiology of cancer cells, immunological therapy for blood cancers, and the discovery of bone- and cartilage-forming stem cells in the vertebrate skeleton. Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee is an author and physician. He has won many awards including Rhodes Scholarship, 1993–1996, Gabrielle Angel's, Leukemia Foundation Award 2010, New York Times Magazine, "100 Notable Books of 2010" for The Emperor of All Maladies, Los Angeles Times Book Award, Finalist in the category of Science & Technology for The Emperor of All Maladies, Pulitzer Prize for The Emperor of All Maladies. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of DrSiddharthaMukherjee is mentioned in below section.

Address of DrSiddharthaMukherjee

The address of DrSiddharthaMukherjee is 2/9 Talpukur Road, Sarsuna, Kolkata.

Contact Number of DrSiddharthaMukherjee

The contact number of DrSiddharthaMukherjee is +91-8172810346.

Email Address of DrSiddharthaMukherjee

The email address of DrSiddharthaMukherjee is sidmkj@gmail.com.

Website of DrSiddharthaMukherjee

The Website of DrSiddharthaMukherjee is www.iitg.ac.in.

Contact Person of DrSiddharthaMukherjee

The contact person of DrSiddharthaMukherjee is Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee.

DrSiddharthaMukherjee Source of Knowledge

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