Dota Kehr Address and Contact Number

Dota Kehr Contact Phone Number is : +49 551 64353

and Address is 2 Stuttgarter Straße · Ludwigsburg 71638, Germany
Dota Kehr is a singer-songwriter from Berlin and the leader of the musical group Dota und die Stadtpiraten who writes and performs music influenced by bossa nova and jazz. Her records have been self-published on her own Kleingeldprinzessin Records label and distributed by Broken Silence. She has performed all over Europe, New Zealand and other parts of the world and has amassed a large following in the German-speaking music world and beyond. On "Zeitgemäße Ansprache" (Current Address), a poem written by exiled German Jewish poet, Mascha Kaléko, Kehr duets with German singer Sarah Lesch. Kehr has produced almost 20 albums, all self-published under her own record label, Kleingeldprinzessin (“Pocket-Change Princess Records”). Kehr's sound is influenced by bossa nova and jazz, and her early work was influenced by bossa nova in particular. She has a large following in the German-speaking music world. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dota Kehr is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dota Kehr

The address of Dota Kehr is 2 Stuttgarter Straße · Ludwigsburg 71638, Germany.

Contact Number of Dota Kehr

The contact number of Dota Kehr is +49 551 64353.

Email Address of Dota Kehr

The email address of Dota Kehr is

Website of Dota Kehr

The Website of Dota Kehr is

Contact Person of Dota Kehr

The contact person of Dota Kehr is Dota Kehr.

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