Dina Asher Smith Address and Contact Number

Dina Asher Smith Contact Phone Number is : +44 0207 1010 553

and Address is Towngate House, 2-8 Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH15 2PW
Geraldina Rachel Asher-Smith is a British sprinter internationally active since 2011. In 2019 she was the first British woman to win a World title in a sprint event. Asher-Smith is the fastest woman in British history. She first broke the national 100m record in 2015, and became the first British woman to run the 100m in under 11 seconds. She also won gold in the 100m, 200m, and 4x100m at the 2018 European Championships, and became the first British woman to win the 200m world championship in 2019. Domestically, Asher-Smith is focused on achieving her goals and is disciplined about her training, including eating right and going to sleep. Asher-Smith has a creative side, whether it's experimenting with makeup, modeling, or pottery. Asher-Smith recently finished filming an Amazon short film with fellow British record holder Zharnel Hughes.Asher-Smith has modeled for brands like Louis Vuitton, Valentino, and Off-White, and has appeared on the cover of magazines like Elle and GQ. She also modeled at Paris Fashion Week. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dina Asher Smith is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dina Asher-Smith

The address of Dina Asher-Smith is Towngate House, 2-8 Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH15 2PW.

Contact Number of Dina Asher-Smith

The contact number of Dina Asher-Smith is +44 0207 1010 553.

Email Address of Dina Asher-Smith

The email address of Dina Asher-Smith is agent@championsukplc.com.

Website of Dina Asher-Smith

The Website of Dina Asher-Smith is britishathletics.org.uk.

Contact Person of Dina Asher-Smith

The contact person of Dina Asher-Smith is Dina Asher-Smith.

Dina Asher Smith Source of Knowledge

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