Dianne Feinstein Address and Contact Number

Dianne Feinstein Contact Phone Number is : +1 (202) 224-3841, Fax : +1 (202) 228-3954

and Address is United States Senate, 331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, United States
Dianne Feinstein is a United States Senator from California, United States also known as Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein. Before serving as United States Senator she also served as 38th Mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988. She was born on June 22, 1933. She is a member of the Democratic Party. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dianne Feinstein is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dianne Feinstein

The address of Dianne Feinstein is United States Senate, 331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, United States.

Contact Number of Dianne Feinstein

The contact number of Dianne Feinstein is +1 (202) 224-3841, Fax : +1 (202) 228-3954.

Email Address of Dianne Feinstein

The email address of Dianne Feinstein is .

Website of Dianne Feinstein

The Website of Dianne Feinstein is www.feinstein.senate.gov.

Dianne Feinstein Source of Knowledge

Dianne Feinstein Address Contact Number
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Dianne Feinstein User Reports

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Mr. RobertMar 25, 2020
Feinstein, like most her pathetic self centered sell outs in the democratic party are taking a typical path of self preservation. In this case of piling their self serving agenda issues on to a bill meant to put American workers back to work and in many cases save many American's live. You have certainly become a model for why term limits is needed.
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Mr. JackOct 04, 2018
It is a real shame that Dianne Feinstein became the force to undermining Judge Cavanaugh appointment to the Supreme Court. This has remove any credibility she has built in her career. Her inability to lead and show needed ethics and integrity has made her pertinently ineffective for her constituents. She should step down for the good of her party and us values.
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Mr. OwenSep 30, 2018
Dianne Feinstein is a person who lacks the required health, integrity, intelligence, prudence, honesty, moral character and basic humanity to be allowed to vote on anything in the US government that would effect the lives of any one of it's citizens. I've watched her very closely for many years. Perhaps, closer than would allow her comfort at times. The amount of important content that was slipped passed her without her even knowing is unreal. I think a full medical evaluation should be conducted on this Senator by a professional in the medical community who is able to obtain sound data on her condition. It is my estimation that defects in her health have led to her being compromised at the highest level. I call for a full investigation of Senator Dianne Feinstein.
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Mr. Ernie WebbSep 27, 2018
As an 81 year old combat wounded, disabled veteran, I have always been proud of America--- my country and my people. Now, I am totally embarrassed and afraid for my country. We have allowed a group of egotistical, self-serving--- and, I believe--- immoral and unethical scum to rise to power in our country. And, feinstein is one of the leaders of this scumpack. On more than one occasion, I have risked my life to save both comrades--- and innocents ----got shot once doing so--- but, saved most of them. I would have to think long and hard before I would do so for this sad imitation of humanity. --- and her democrat political pals. I would hope that this letter could be part of a package that would convince you to forego your personal ego---- and look to the good of this nation---- and our nation's future. God, please, Bless America, and help us get back on the right path.
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Ms. C. JohnSep 16, 2018
We are going to get her out of office, her and mad Max only want to destroy people. We are going to go back into their pass for about sixty years and dig out all their crooked things for them. We are going to run adds on the information we dig up.
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