Delhi Bar Council Address and Contact Number

Delhi Bar Council Contact Phone Number is : +91-11-26495195-96, Fax No: +91-11-26493856

and Address is 2/6, Siri Fort Institutional Area, Khel Gaon Marg, New Delhi-49, India
Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi Bar Council is a Governmental statutory body constituted under Advocates Act, 1961 and having many special powers, functions and duties. At present the offICE is having 60,000 advocates on its Roll. The Council comes under Government of India. It contains different Laws and duties for advocates. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Delhi Bar Council is mentioned in below section.

Address of Delhi Bar Council

The address of Delhi Bar Council is 2/6, Siri Fort Institutional Area, Khel Gaon Marg, New Delhi-49, India.

Contact Number of Delhi Bar Council

The contact number of Delhi Bar Council is +91-11-26495195-96, Fax No: +91-11-26493856.

Email Address of Delhi Bar Council

The email address of Delhi Bar Council is .

Website of Delhi Bar Council

The Website of Delhi Bar Council is

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Delhi Bar Council Address Contact Number
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