Deborah Houlding Address and Contact Number

Deborah Houlding Contact Phone Number is : +44 131 629 6756

and Address is 116 Walpole Road, Cambridge, England, CB1 3UE, UK
Deborah Houlding is an English author researcher, educator, and publisher who specializes in astrology. She has been referred to as "one of the UK's top astrologers". She wrote The Houses: Temples of the Sky. and created the Skyscript website. Deborah Houlding was born on 14th May 1962, at 8:30 a.m. GMT, in Mansfield/Nottinghamshire, England. She has been referred to as "one of the UK's top astrologers". She wrote The Houses: Temples of the Sky. (Ascella, 1996) and created the Skyscript website. Houlding has been awarded by the Astrological Associations of Great Britain, Romania, and others. Deborah also worked as Horary Editor for the AA's Journalists. Houlding's views about such subjects as the twin Gemini stars have been commented on in journals such as the Mountain Astrologer. Houlding has been awarded by the Astrological Associations of Great Britain, Romania, and others. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Deborah Houlding is mentioned in below section.

Address of Deborah Houlding

The address of Deborah Houlding is 116 Walpole Road, Cambridge, England, CB1 3UE, UK.

Contact Number of Deborah Houlding

The contact number of Deborah Houlding is +44 131 629 6756.

Email Address of Deborah Houlding

The email address of Deborah Houlding is

Website of Deborah Houlding

The Website of Deborah Houlding is

Contact Person of Deborah Houlding

The contact person of Deborah Houlding is Deborah Houlding.

Deborah Houlding Source of Knowledge
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