Dale Steyn Address and Contact Number

Dale Steyn Contact Phone Number is : +27 21 001 4682

and Address is Steyn City S, Zevenfontein 407-Jr, Midrand, South Africa
Dale Willem Steyn is a South African former professional cricketer who played for the South African cricket team. He is regarded by many as the greatest bowler of the modern era. He is regarded by many as the greatest bowler of the modern era. Steyn's ability to produce late swing at high pace - a rare and lethal combination amongst fast bowlers - made him stand apart from many of his contemporaries. Many cricketing legends have regarded his length deliveries unplayable when the ball swung. Dale Steyn is considered one of the greatest bowlers in modern cricket history and is known for his speed, accuracy, and yorkers. He was a top-ranked Test bowler for many years and is South Africa's leading Test wicket-taker .Steyn held the number one spot in the ICC Test rankings for a record 263 weeks between 2008 and 2014. He is the 10th highest wicket-taker in Test cricket and South Africa's highest wicket-taker in Tests. He will continue to coach the Sunrisers Eastern Cape franchise in the SA20 league. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dale Steyn is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dale Steyn

The address of Dale Steyn is Steyn City S, Zevenfontein 407-Jr, Midrand, South Africa.

Contact Number of Dale Steyn

The contact number of Dale Steyn is +27 21 001 4682.

Email Address of Dale Steyn

The email address of Dale Steyn is contact@dale.steyn.

Website of Dale Steyn

The Website of Dale Steyn is www.dale.steyn.

Contact Person of Dale Steyn

The contact person of Dale Steyn is Dale Steyn.

Dale Steyn Source of Knowledge

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