Cpc Address and Contact Number

Cpc Contact Phone Number is : (088) 857-5097

and Address is 33 Don Toribio Chaves Street, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000, Philippines
Cagayan Electric Power and Light Company, Incorporate (CEPALCO) provides Services in power generation and supply. CEPALCO started its operations in 1952. Currently CEPALCO has 138KV, 69KV, 34.5KV and 13.8KV Systems. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cpc is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cpc

The address of Cpc is 33 Don Toribio Chaves Street, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000, Philippines.

Contact Number of Cpc

The contact number of Cpc is (088) 857-5097.

Email Address of Cpc

The email address of Cpc is .

Website of Cpc

The Website of Cpc is www.cepalco.com.ph.

Cpc Source of Knowledge

Cpc Address Contact Number
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