Cornelia Funke Address and Contact Number

Cornelia Funke Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Beverly Hills, California, United States.
Cornelia Caroline Funke is a Famous Germany author of Children's and YA fiction. She was born on 10 December 1958 in Dorsten, Germany. Funke is Famous for her Inkheart trilogy. Cornelia Caroline Funke lives in Beverly Hills, California, United States. In 1981, she married with printer Rolf Funke. Funke has received several awards including- Mildred L. Batchelder Award for Herr der Diebe (2003), Book Sense Children's Literature Award (2004), Book Sense Book of the Year Children's Literature Winner for Inkspell (2006), Roswitha Prize(2008) etc. She has sold more than 20 million copies of her books in the world. The address and contact number of Cornelia Funke is also used for Cornelia Funke reckless, Cornelia Funke inkheart, Cornelia Funke quotes, Cornelia Funke fearless, Cornelia Funke biography, Cornelia Funke reckless 2, Cornelia Funke reckless series and reckless Cornelia Funke book 2. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cornelia Funke is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cornelia Funke

The address of Cornelia Funke is Beverly Hills, California, United States..

Contact Number of Cornelia Funke

The contact number of Cornelia Funke is NA.

Email Address of Cornelia Funke

The email address of Cornelia Funke is .

Website of Cornelia Funke

The Website of Cornelia Funke is

Contact Person of Cornelia Funke

The contact person of Cornelia Funke is Cornelia Caroline Funke.

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Cornelia Funke Address Contact Number
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