Coatbridge College Address and Contact Number

Coatbridge College Contact Phone Number is : 01236 436 000

and Address is Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3LS, North Lanarkshire, Scotland
The Coatbridge College was established in 1891. The Coatbridge College has three Campuses named The Kildonan Street Campus, The Greenhills Campus, The Duart House Campus. The Coatbridge College offers full-time courses, part-time courses and short courses in numerous fields. The address and contact number of Coatbridge College is also used for Coatbridge College nursery, Coatbridge College login, Coatbridge College beauty salon, Coatbridge College bursary, Coatbridge College holidays and Coatbridge College News. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Coatbridge College is mentioned in below section.

Address of Coatbridge College

The address of Coatbridge College is Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3LS, North Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Contact Number of Coatbridge College

The contact number of Coatbridge College is 01236 436 000.

Email Address of Coatbridge College

The email address of Coatbridge College is

Website of Coatbridge College

The Website of Coatbridge College is

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Coatbridge College Address Contact Number
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