Clara Hughes Address and Contact Number

Clara Hughes Contact Phone Number is : +1 (905) 728-1212

and Address is 610 Taylor Avenue, Oshawa, ON L1H 2E7, Canada
Clara Hughes, OC, OM, MSC OLY is a Canadian cyclist and speed skater who has won multiple Olympic medals in both sports. Hughes won two bronze in the 1996 Summer Olympics and four medals over the course of three Winter Olympics. Clara Hughes is a former speed skater and cyclist who won multiple medals at both the Summer and Winter Olympics. She was also the founding spokesperson for Bell Let's Talk, a campaign to end the stigma around mental illness. Hughes received wide recognition for her contribution to sport. In 2006 she was awarded the International Olympic Committee's Sport and the Community Award. Four years later she was inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame and received a star on Canada's Walk of Fame. Hughes is a record-setting athlete who competed in both the Summer and Winter Olympics. She won a silver medal in speed skating at the 2006 Turin Olympics and was Canada's first woman to win an Olympic medal in road cycling. She is currently the founding spokesperson for Bell Let's Talk. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Clara Hughes is mentioned in below section.

Address of Clara Hughes

The address of Clara Hughes is 610 Taylor Avenue, Oshawa, ON L1H 2E7, Canada.

Contact Number of Clara Hughes

The contact number of Clara Hughes is +1 (905) 728-1212.

Email Address of Clara Hughes

The email address of Clara Hughes is

Website of Clara Hughes

The Website of Clara Hughes is

Contact Person of Clara Hughes

The contact person of Clara Hughes is Clara Hughes.

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