City Thameslink Station Address and Contact Number

City Thameslink Station Contact Phone Number is : 0845 026 4700

and Address is Holborn Viaduct, City of London, United kingdom
The City Thameslink Station is a major rail Station based in the City of London, England, United kingdom. The Station was opened on 29 May 1990 as St Paul's Thameslink and renamed as The City Thameslink in the year 1991. It is owned by Network Rail and managed by First Capital Connect. The City Thameslink Station has two platforms. Baby changing Room, Shops, Public Paid Telephones, Ticket Machines, car parking are facilities available at this railway Station. The Station's code is CTK. The City Thameslink Station is operated by trains on the Thameslink route. The address and contact number of City Thameslink Station is also used for City Thameslink Station lost property, City Thameslink Station live departures, City Thameslink postcode, Bars near city Thameslink, City Thameslink line and Thameslink Programme. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of City Thameslink Station is mentioned in below section.

Address of City Thameslink Station

The address of City Thameslink Station is Holborn Viaduct, City of London, United kingdom.

Contact Number of City Thameslink Station

The contact number of City Thameslink Station is 0845 026 4700.

Email Address of City Thameslink Station

The email address of City Thameslink Station is .

Website of City Thameslink Station

The Website of City Thameslink Station is .

City Thameslink Station Address Contact Number
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