City Law College Dhaka Address and Contact Number

City Law College Dhaka Contact Phone Number is : +88-02-7312451, +88 01914391212, +88 01711946619

and Address is 24 Agamashih lane Dhaka, Bangladesh
City Law College Dhaka is a Famous Institute located in Agamashih lane Dhaka, Bangladesh, which offers all courses (LL.B) related to Law. The College was Instituted on 1957. City Law College Dhaka is affiliated to National University of Bangladesh. National University of Bangladesh is an affiliated University by the act of parliament. The University provides graduate and post graduate courses through its recognized professional institutions and Colleges. City Law College Dhaka has largest and richest Law library with dedicational and experienced staff members. The address and contact number of City Law College Dhaka is also used for City Law College rawalakot, City Law College khulna and City Law College Nagaland University. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of City Law College Dhaka is mentioned in below section.

Address of City Law College Dhaka

The address of City Law College Dhaka is 24 Agamashih lane Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Contact Number of City Law College Dhaka

The contact number of City Law College Dhaka is +88-02-7312451, +88 01914391212, +88 01711946619.

Email Address of City Law College Dhaka

The email address of City Law College Dhaka is

Website of City Law College Dhaka

The Website of City Law College Dhaka is

Contact Person of City Law College Dhaka

The contact person of City Law College Dhaka is Anwar Hossain.

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City Law College Dhaka Address Contact Number
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Mr. Md Mamun HossainMar 20, 2022
Please need some information about LLB pass coach for two years
i am interest for admission one year. My date of birth 05/11/1991, can i take admission llb pass coach
and also i need information last age for admission. How many age count for.
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