Chris Bonington Address and Contact Number

Chris Bonington Contact Phone Number is : +44 01275 463222

and Address is Badger Hill Nether Row, Hesket Newmarket, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8LA, UK
Sir Christian John Storey Bonington, CVO, CBE, DL is a British mountaineer. His career has included nineteen expeditions to the Himalayas, including four to Mount Everest. Bonington briefly became the oldest person to summit Mount Everest in April 1985, at the age of 50. He was surpassed by Richard Bass of Seven Summits fame, who summited later that same season at 55. The record has been surpassed many times since. In 1975, Bonington led the first ascent of the south west face of Everest, making the first British people to reach the summit of the world's highest mountain. In 1985, he reached the summit of Everest again with a Norwegian expedition. Bonington made 19 expeditions to the Himalayas, including four to Mount Everest. He also participated in the second ascent of the Old Man of Hoy in 1967, which was broadcast on the BBC and had around 15 million viewers. Now He is living in Cumbria he will turn 90 this year, with 2025 marking 50 years since he first climbed Everest. Sir Chris has leant both his voice and his archive to a new film collaboration with Berghaus. 'A Cold Embrace' hopes to inspire people to get outdoors more. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chris Bonington is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chris Bonington

The address of Chris Bonington is Badger Hill Nether Row, Hesket Newmarket, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8LA, UK.

Contact Number of Chris Bonington

The contact number of Chris Bonington is +44 01275 463222.

Email Address of Chris Bonington

The email address of Chris Bonington is

Website of Chris Bonington

The Website of Chris Bonington is

Contact Person of Chris Bonington

The contact person of Chris Bonington is Chris Bonington.

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