Chicago Housing Authority Address and Contact Number

Chicago Housing Authority Contact Phone Number is : 312.742.8500

and Address is 60 E, Van Buren Steet 12, Chicago, Illinois, USA
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) is a municipal corporation was founded in 1937 by the State of Illinoies with the mission to own and operate housing in the State. It owns largest rental houses in the City and provides homes over fifty lakh families. The Chicago Housing Authority owns 9,400 apartments in buildings for senior citizens. CHA is governed by Board of Commissioners appointed by Mayor. The address and contact number of Chicago Housing Authority is also used for Chicago Housing Authority senior housing, Chicago Housing Authority application form, Chicago Housing Authority mobility Program, Chicago Housing Authority jobs, Chicago Housing Authority salaries and Chicago Housing Authority inspections. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chicago Housing Authority is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chicago Housing Authority

The address of Chicago Housing Authority is 60 E, Van Buren Steet 12, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Contact Number of Chicago Housing Authority

The contact number of Chicago Housing Authority is 312.742.8500.

Email Address of Chicago Housing Authority

The email address of Chicago Housing Authority is .

Website of Chicago Housing Authority

The Website of Chicago Housing Authority is

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Chicago Housing Authority Address Contact Number
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