Chandigarh Administration Address and Contact Number

Chandigarh Administration Contact Phone Number is : +91 172 2740740

and Address is Raj Bhawan, Sector 6, Chandigarh, India
Chandigarh Administration is a governing authority that oversees the management of Chandigarh. It is headed by the administrator, who is appointed under Article 239 of Indian Constitution. Formerly, the Chief Commissioner was the administrator of the department. Many other Government departments such as Municipal corporation, Chandigarh PolICE, Information Technology, Housing Board, Science and Technology, Urban Planning and PolICE Control Authority are answerable to the Chandigarh Administration, and comes under its possession. The address and contact number of Chandigarh Administration is also used for Chandigarh Administration Recruitment, Chandigarh Administration Vacancies, Chandigarh Administration Jobs and Chandigarh Administration Transport Department. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Chandigarh Administration is mentioned in below section.

Address of Chandigarh Administration

The address of Chandigarh Administration is Raj Bhawan, Sector 6, Chandigarh, India.

Contact Number of Chandigarh Administration

The contact number of Chandigarh Administration is +91 172 2740740.

Email Address of Chandigarh Administration

The email address of Chandigarh Administration is

Website of Chandigarh Administration

The Website of Chandigarh Administration is

Chandigarh Administration Source of Knowledge
Chandigarh Administration Address Contact Number
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