Cesar Sampson Address and Contact Number

Cesar Sampson Contact Phone Number is : +43 (00)1 914 8615

and Address is 61 Ellen Street, Fremantle 6160, Austia.
Cesar Sampson is an Austrian singer, songwriter, producer, dancer and model. He was also a social worker and fitness coach. He represented Austria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 with the song "Nobody but You", winning the jury vote, coming in 13th place in the televote and finishing in third place overall. isn't unknown in Austria's domestic music scene. At the age of seventeen he started touring the world as lead singer for some of Austria's most internationally acclaimed alternative music acts; Kruder & Dorfmeister, Sofa Surfers and Louie Austen. As a member of Symphonix International he was part of the Vienna-based producers collective that led Bulgaria to their historic fourth. The singer was selected by their national broadcaster ORF to compete in Lisbon and made it through the first semi-final to the big show 2018. After doing musical theatre playing Dracula a while back he is now throwing himself in the deep end of pure dramatic acting. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cesar Sampson is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cesar Sampson

The address of Cesar Sampson is 61 Ellen Street, Fremantle 6160, Austia..

Contact Number of Cesar Sampson

The contact number of Cesar Sampson is +43 (00)1 914 8615.

Email Address of Cesar Sampson

The email address of Cesar Sampson is mail@glp.at.

Website of Cesar Sampson

The Website of Cesar Sampson is www.glp.at.

Contact Person of Cesar Sampson

The contact person of Cesar Sampson is Nina Pernica.

Cesar Sampson Source of Knowledge

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