Cea Address and Contact Number

Cea Contact Phone Number is : 01126732500

and Address is Sewa Bhawan, Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi, India.
The Central Electricity Authority is commonly known as CEA. It is the Government authority for the guidelines and regulations for the electricity System in India. CEA specify the technical standards and safety for the power plants and records the data of electricity utilization. The CEA is play a lead role to promote the incorporated functions of the local power plants and the progress of a nationwide grid. The Central Electricity Authority is headquartered in New Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi, India. The CEA is also accountable for concurrence of hydro energy growth schemes of central, State and private sectors. The address and contact number of Cea is also used for Central Electricity Authority regulation, Central Electricity regulatory commission and Role of Central Electricity Authority. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cea is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cea

The address of Cea is Sewa Bhawan, Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi, India..

Contact Number of Cea

The contact number of Cea is 01126732500.

Email Address of Cea

The email address of Cea is chair.cea@nic.in.

Website of Cea

The Website of Cea is www.cea.nic.in.

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Cea Address Contact Number
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