Cbm Karachi Address and Contact Number

Cbm Karachi Contact Phone Number is : (+92-21) 111-002-004

and Address is Korangi Creek, Karachi, Pakistan
The College of Business Management (CBM) is the private Business School operated by the Institute of Business Management in Karachi. The College offers a full range of courses in Bachelor of Business Administration, BS (Economics, Finance, Accounting, Master of Business Administration in health and Hospital Management, Advertising and Media Management, Educational Management, Finance and Risk Management, Environment and Energy Management and PhD in Business Management. The College was established in 1995 and is imparting Education to more than 4000 Students. The address and contact number of Cbm Karachi is also used for Cbm Karachi ranking, Cbm Karachi fee structure, Cbm Karachi admission, Cbm College Karachi and Cbm Karachi Campus map. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cbm Karachi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cbm Karachi

The address of Cbm Karachi is Korangi Creek, Karachi, Pakistan.

Contact Number of Cbm Karachi

The contact number of Cbm Karachi is (+92-21) 111-002-004.

Email Address of Cbm Karachi

The email address of Cbm Karachi is iobm@iobm.edu.pk.

Website of Cbm Karachi

The Website of Cbm Karachi is www.iobm.edu.pk.

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Cbm Karachi Address Contact Number
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