Carl Lewis Address and Contact Number

Carl Lewis Contact Phone Number is : +44 1926 612323

and Address is Unit 4 Vista Place, Coy Pond Business Park, Ingworth Road, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH12 1JY
Frederick Carlton Lewis is an American former track and field athlete who won nine Olympic gold medals, one Olympic silver medal, and 10 World Championships medals, including eight gold. Lewis was a dominant sprinter and long jumper whose career spanned from 1979 to 1996, when he last won the Olympic long jump. At age 30, he had one of his greatest achievements, breaking the world 100m record with a time of 9.86 while winning the event at the 1991 World Championships. Lewis was a dominant sprinter and long jumper who topped the world rankings in the 100 m, 200 m and long jump events frequently from 1981 to the early 1990s. He set world records in the 100 m, 4 × 100 m and 4 × 200 m relays, while his world record in the indoor long jump has stood since 1984. Carl Lewis is currently the head coach of the University of Houston's track and field team. He was also invited to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics as a coach. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Carl Lewis is mentioned in below section.

Address of Carl Lewis

The address of Carl Lewis is Unit 4 Vista Place, Coy Pond Business Park, Ingworth Road, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH12 1JY.

Contact Number of Carl Lewis

The contact number of Carl Lewis is +44 1926 612323.

Email Address of Carl Lewis

The email address of Carl Lewis is

Website of Carl Lewis

The Website of Carl Lewis is

Contact Person of Carl Lewis

The contact person of Carl Lewis is Carl Lewis.

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