Candy Dulfer Address and Contact Number

Candy Dulfer Contact Phone Number is : +31 610 0343 42

and Address is Koningin Julianaplein 10 2595 AA The Hague Netherlands.
Candy Dulfer is a Dutch jazz and pop saxophonist. She is the daughter of jazz saxophonist Hans Dulfer. She began playing at age six and founded her band Funky Stuff when she was fourteen. Her debut album Saxuality received a Grammy nomination. Since her Grammy-nominated debut, 1990's Saxuality, Candy has issued 12 studio albums. The combined world-wide sales of her solo albums top 2.5 million copies, and she has had several number 1 hits in the USA. Dulfer is renowned for her exceptional saxophone skills. She started playing the saxophone at age six, influenced by her father, jazz saxophonist Hans Dulfer. Candy continues to have a huge fan base in The Netherlands and Europe, while having a loyal following in the United States (which includes former president Bill Clinton). Candy Dulfer is currently touring and promoting her album We Never Stop. In 2024, she will be performing at festivals and clubs in Europe, Japan, and the USA. You can check her website and social media for the latest tour updates. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Candy Dulfer is mentioned in below section.

Address of Candy Dulfer

The address of Candy Dulfer is Koningin Julianaplein 10 2595 AA The Hague Netherlands..

Contact Number of Candy Dulfer

The contact number of Candy Dulfer is +31 610 0343 42.

Email Address of Candy Dulfer

The email address of Candy Dulfer is

Website of Candy Dulfer

The Website of Candy Dulfer is

Contact Person of Candy Dulfer

The contact person of Candy Dulfer is Rafael Nagelkerke.

Candy Dulfer Source of Knowledge
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