Byward Market Address and Contact Number

Byward Market Contact Phone Number is : (613) 562-3325 , (613) 244-4410

and Address is Byward Market BIA, 55 Byward Market Square, Ottawa, ON K1N 9C3, Canada
The Byward Market is the oldest and largest public market located in Ottawa, Canada. The market was established in 1826 by Lt-Col. John By. It is open air market visited by number of people every day. Byward offers approximately 260 stands of local farmers and some artisans. The market promotes more than 500 Businesses of various types. Market includes 108 small food joints, 35 food stalls, Fashion shops, boutiques, beauty salons, arts, Culture and Education Facilities. Apart from this, it also has books and News shops for bibliophile. Nightlife is also full of entertainment here as the market offers some nigh entertainment venues too. The address and contact number of Byward Market is also used for Byward Market restaurants, Vittoria trattoria Byward Market, Byward Market breakfast, Byward Market bia and Byward Market parking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Byward Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Byward Market

The address of Byward Market is Byward Market BIA, 55 Byward Market Square, Ottawa, ON K1N 9C3, Canada.

Contact Number of Byward Market

The contact number of Byward Market is (613) 562-3325 , (613) 244-4410.

Email Address of Byward Market

The email address of Byward Market is

Website of Byward Market

The Website of Byward Market is

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Byward Market Address Contact Number
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